
How Twitter users helped give our first product pivot . A Thread.🧵

Beta Testing : #SentimentalAnalysis

Do you guys this is a good feature to add on?

We launched our Platform , last week and discovered some amazing analytics of its performance.
The most astonishing one is within a week - the platform has users from 28 countries. Yes 28. 🧐
#BuildinPublic #Thread

When we built Tazeit, our intention was a fun site to track trending topics and viral videos. But when we were checking in backend - we found a very intresting user. A business owner who made around 20 reports back to back about their product..

Thread - Mapping the Journey of

First Day , we have got 451 unique users , with 112 unique reports. With 24.83 conversion from traffic to generating report. 1,20,000 + Tweets were analysed by the system. #BuildinPublic

Build a Product. ✅
Build Audience - In Progress
Show Proof Of Concept for Product Acceptance - In Progress

Next Steps

Audience Feedback
Refine Product
Generate MRR
Draw Profitablity Path
List on @microacquire
Hand over to scale 1-100

A very important day for us, our aim was to build a solution to cure the fear of missing out.

Be it entertainment, movies, sports, news, memes - explore and get on top of any trending topic at

Took a four month sabbatical last year to focus on upskilling. Stumbled upon few wonderful people at #Cholalabs to build this small little product -

Do Let me Know your feedback!