Added this part to landing page.

🎉 Got 50 people interested in
Will invite them all one by one in next few days.
Do we look ready for an alpha release?
Everyone asking about the "wait-list system" used at

This is just html form handled by php and stored into mySql database.

and it works!
Don't buy that domain name.

Build it on @carrd or something

Host it on your domain using

20 people joined so far.

We may close at 50 for alpha release.

#buildinginpublic #buildinpublic
11 people joined overnight.

Hurry we may close it soon.

#buildinpublic #buildinpublic
🔥 You can do this using @AblyHost in just 5 minutes, for any of your web pages.
Instead of contact form, we are using twitter DM direct link.…

Should we aim for 100?

This is fast because no images are used and all static content.
Well. Fixed. #buildinpublic
Just found that it’s not looking well on small screen.

Just found that it’s not looking well on small screen.

Love this gradient background!

What do you think?
Unfortunately, adding additional features to your SaaS will not result in more customers.

Hope this one explains it well enough!
